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Where is the best place in the world to get a hair transplant?

Where is the best place in the world to get a hair transplant?

If you’ve thinking about the best place to get hair transplant to regrow your hair, you’ve probably been surprised by the prices in the EU, UK, or US.

However, you’ll undoubtedly agree that it will be the most cost-effective and practical method when you compare the prices and quality of service in the hair transplant clinics in Istanbul, Turkey.

One of the most common cosmetic procedures worldwide is hair transplantation. People who have hair loss may experience panic and, as a result, avoid social activities. If you believe that you may soon experience hair loss, make an appointment with the best place to get hair transplant in Istanbul, Turkey, and begin to enjoy your new life in a cost-effective and enjoyable manner.

Advantages of hair transplantation in Turkey:

One of the best place to get hair transplant in the world for hair transplant surgeries is Istanbul, Turkey. Turkey is a fantastic alternative for medical tourists looking for the finest hair transplant vacation itinerary because of the relatively inexpensive pricing, quality of service in its world-class facilities with the newest technology, and excellent and economical healthcare.

Since medical tourism in Istanbul has been expanding quickly on international markets in recent years, the majority of medical tourists that travel to Turkey for hair transplant operations are from Middle East, Gulf, and European countries. Because Turkey is one of the top three countries in the world for hair transplant treatments.

Why is hair transplant surgery reasonably priced in Turkey?

When compared to other well-known places throughout the world, hair transplants in Turkey are incredibly affordable. Because they are among the lowest compared to other countries, the minimum salary, cost of living, cost of housing, rental, utilities, and management costs. And that’s why we can absolutely say that Turkey is the best place to get hair transplant.

And although Turkey is one of the most popular destinations for hair transplants worldwide, the majority of clinics, doctors, medical experts and technicians there naturally gain a lot of experience over time. Thus, one of the greatest hair transplant centers in the world is located in Turkey.

Techniques of hair transplantation

In the field of hair transplant surgery, there are two basic surgical methods. They consist of Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) and Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT). FUT method, however, is no longer favored in presence of current improvements. A modern technique in the field of hair transplantation is DHI hair transplantation.

The DHI method has emerged as the best choice in recent years. When opposed to the DHI procedure, the FUE method may be superior because it covers bigger areas. However, the DHI approach has a decent percentage of success in achieving increased density.

FUT Procedure

Under a microscope, a portion of skin is separated into discrete groupings of follicular units and subsequently transplanted into the recipient’s area using the FUT procedure.

FUE Procedure

In Istanbul and Turkey, the FUE procedure is widely used and favored. While the FUT technique produces a permanent scar on the donor and recipient, each hair graft is removed from the donor one at a time using a punch tool to prevent scarring.

The Sapphire FUE Method

While sapphire is a premium stone well-known for its hardness, durability, and brilliance, sapphire blades are employed in this FUE procedure. The grafts won’t come into direct touch with the external surface, there is little chance of tissue damage, and the healing process is sped up with sapphire.

DHI Method

The primary distinction between DHI and FUE hair transplantation is the procedure used to implant the hair. In the FUE process, follicular units are positioned on incisions made throughout the entire scalp. Additionally, the DHI process does not require any scalp incisions because each implantation is performed using a proprietary instrument. Additionally, a robotic hair transplant system can be used in conjunction with this technique.

Hair Transplant Results

Obviously, each person’s hair transplant procedure will yield different results. It depends on the initial hair issue in addition to how each person’s scalp reacts differently to hair surgery. If hair follicles are inserted among still-existing hair, the current hair may eventually start to fall out as well. The hair that was not transplanted is not protected from genetic hair loss.

Replicating the hair follicles’ natural angle of development is a crucial component of a high-quality hair transplant. Only expert surgeons equipped with the most precise contemporary tools can perform this.

Post-Operative Instructions

Every patient is instructed on how to properly wash their hair at the clinic because it is one of the most crucial factors that can affect the final outcome of the hair transplant.

There are three basic steps in the hair washing process:

  1. Lotion, oil, or any other appropriate moisturizer is applied to the transplanted area and kept on for 15 to 30 minutes. Scabs around the donor location and transplanted grafts become softer as a result. This softening stage promotes healing by removing dried blood remnants. The scalp should be cleansed with warm water after 15 to 30 minutes. A specific medical shampoo is used to bathe the transplanted location and the donor. To accomplish this, gently suds a small amount of shampoo between your palms before applying it to the entire scalp. Never rub. Use your palms gently and without applying any pressure throughout the entire washing process.
  • After shampooing, use a paper towel to dry your hair. Just pat it very softly, don’t rub. Use the moisturizer up until the scabs come out or the scalp starts to feel dry. If the feeling of dryness is persistent, you can also use the moisturizer between hair washes.
  • To get rid of the scabs, shampooing should be done every day. There shouldn’t be any more signs of dried blood or scabs on your scalp after roughly 7 to 10 days. No earlier than 14 days following the transplant may you begin washing your hair normally. After the procedure, washing the hair more than once a day is permitted if necessary. Use the unique shampoo as directed from the clinic until the bottle is empty.

After the hair transplant process, there may be some little soreness for a few days. Some clients said they had trouble sleeping the first few days after surgery. After surgery, it is typical for the donor location to hurt more than the receiving area. Pain relievers sold over the counter can help with post-hair transplantation discomfort. At the clinic, you will be given a pack of them. A special pillow will also be provided by the clinic to help you sleep better.

The Services O2CARE Provide

O2CARE Medical Tourism provide a highly well-planned vacation with a tour and counselor, which typically includes:

Planning for your entire treatment program in Istanbul.

A discussion of the costs related to your desired results.

Free consultation with the medical experts in Turkey.

Interpreter on-site.

The accommodation arrangement that best meets your needs.

Pick-up from the airport to the hotel and the hospital, and vice versa.

Your everlasting aftercare and monitoring service.

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